
Invisalign® is an orthodontic system which straightens and aligns your teeth, often giving you a result the same as traditional metal braces. A series of clear plastic trays are fitted to your teeth and changed every 2 weeks, with each tray moving your teeth closer to their final desired position. This results in your most beautiful possible smile.

Advantages of Invisalign®

  • Virtually invisible when compared to traditional metal braces
  • Removable for up to 2 hours per day, allowing you to eat all of your normal foods, as well as brush and floss like normal
  • No metal wires to poke and irritate your cheeks & gums
  • Comfortable with minimal to no impact on your current lifestyle

Invisalign® FAQs

Can I get Invisalign®?

Although many people are great candidates for Invisalign®, it does not suit everyone. It is important to have your Invisalign® trained dentist assess your individual needs. In some cases, you may need traditional metal braces and/or the specialist guidance of your local Orthodontist.

I want to get started, what is the process?

Your first visit will involve a detailed examination with our Invisalign® trained dentist. At this appointment, you will be screened for suitability and spoken with in detail about your individual needs, including time frames and costing. From here, we will take some X-rays, photos and moulds of your teeth to send away to the Invisalign® lab, getting you started in your trays usually within a few weeks.

How long does Invisalign® take?

The process is hugely dependant on your individual needs. It can be as quick as 7 weeks for some minor cases, however the average treatment time is usually around 12-18 months.

What happens when I finish my Invisalign®?

Once you have completed your treatment, you must commit to retaining your new smile. This can involve either clear retainers and/or wire bonded to the inside surfaces of your teeth to hold them in place. Without some form of retention, your new smile will not last and will slowly return to pre-treatment conditions.